martes, 10 de abril de 2012


When you start to live in the fashion world you have to look twice before trust in someone.
I remember when i trusted somebody and then i suprised myself. I don't want to lie because if you want to start i will be honest ... it's hard.

I remember when i was 17 years old and I use to daydreaming all day long but the reality bites me more than once. I made crazy things and trips to be at the top. Interminable castings, meet dark people and perfect people (Like daily people)...

I will tell you that you have to be you and put your feet on the floor. You are not property of anyone and you don't have to do it what they like if you think that's not for me  -TRUST IN YOU - Don't think in fake promises. There's no one on the top one day to another.

Me and Carolina (beautiful, isn't it?)

Face to face

Jellies !! yumm !

Girls on the floor !

Recuerdo con cariño cuando pensaba que trabajar en la moda sería un camino de rosas. Solía pensar que todo el mundo era bueno, pero no es así. Como en la vida diaria hay gente de todo tipo. Pero tienes que andar con mucho cuidado. Me ha enseñado a diferenciar bien entre lo que puede ser bueno y malo. Evidentemente yo también me he confundido.

Uno de mis primeros castings que hice fue para Ragazza y la fragancia "I loewe you". Fue muy divertido y conocí a unas chicas estupendas, no se notaba el ambiente de competición. Fuimos elegidas entre más de mil chicas para estar unas 100 en la gran final. Os dejo unas fotos. No pondré las fotos con la otra chica que compartimos el día porque ya no está entre nosotras y desde aquí quiero decirle que espero que descanse en paz allá donde esté.

My first casting was for Ragazza and Loewe. I went alone by train at 5 am  and travel to Madrid. I enjoyed a lot because we didn't feel the competition and we talked every boring hour waiting for our turn. I meet someone who is not between us and i want to tell her that i hope she will rest in peace.

 I went to another casting and i got the job(Rizo's) instead of that one. Sometimes you win ,sometimes you loose.

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